
Topic: List of all genres of games Nintendo has done

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Holy Cow this exploded on me, uhhh working as I go guys, thank you all so far!!!


@skywake Good question about Balloon Fight, arcade maybe?

Garfield SUCKS


I'm not sure what genre games such as the Art Academy series would fall under in terms of these criterias but Illustration Games could be a good one to file them under

Mario Maker 2 Maker ID: YT1-0Q2-YFF
Currently Playing: Zelda: Oracle of Ages/Devil May Cry (NG+)


Famicom Detective Club for VN



FishyS wrote:

I would definitely include a maker or builder category with Game Builder Garage, Mario Maker. Labo could be here also.

If you really wanted to you could also add Art (Mario Paint) and Education (Mario teaches typing 😂 but maybe not this one... see comment below). Gameboy Camera could be moved to art just to have a place to live.

Also, you have a puzzle-platformer category but not a category for other puzzle games. snipperclips should be in some type of puzzle category. Mario Picross, Dr Mario, etc. are also puzzle games.

oh, and you are missing visual novel e.g. Famicom Detective Club games.

Edit: some series which are missing from existing categories: boxboy is a puzzle-platformer. Personally I would put both Wario and Big Brain Academy under Party games. Clubhouse games should be somewhere too. If there is a card/board game category as suggested above, it could go there.

Edit of Edit: I would seperate sports games and exercise games. I know there is a smidge of overlap just because of motion controls, but Ring Fit and Wii Fit and Jump Rope game should not be in the same category as Mario Strikers. Actual exercise games are a pretty unique thing Nintendo basically (re)invented whereas sports games are a dime a dozen. Mario Tennis/Olympics/strikers/golf/etc. are clearly sport but not exercise games. One can argue whether Switch sports is a sport game, a (low-level) exercise game or just a party game.


@Slim_in_Blue Thank you!

skywake wrote:

A lot of odd inclusions and omissions here. Not sure what your requirements are for something being added or not. Few thoughts:

  • I would put Wii Fit and Ring Fit Adventure under the category "Fitness" rather than sport. They're not sport games. I would put stuff like Mario Strikers/Tennis etc under "sport" alongside Wii Sport. Wii Fit is a different thing
  • Metroid literally has an entire genre named after it so it seems a bit wrong to call it a 2D platformer here. Put Metroid as Metroidvania. Also I would say Metroid Prime is closer to this genre than it is FPS because, frankly, you don't spend a lot of time in Metroid Prime shooting
  • If we're including 1-2 Switch under Party games we should also include Nintendo Land and Wii Play
  • If we're including the GB Camera we should possibly include AR Games on the 3DS given it gives us, you know, AR Games which is a distinctive genre
  • I'd probably combine Rail & Gallery shooters and put Kid Icarus Uprising, Sin & Punishment & Duck Hunt on the same line

also............. what on earth is Balloon Fight

Thank you! The idea was Nintendo-Developed Games genres, but it may have gotten away from me...

skywake wrote:

Also the Art Style/bit Generations games and Electroplankton. The former I suppose you'd describe as kind of Kinetic Puzzle games and the latter was I guess a music sim? Also, is Punch-Out!! a fighting game? If it is it's not really in the same class as Smash Bros or Arms. More of a rhythm/puzzle game with a boxing theme than a fighting game. Doesn't feel like it should be on the same line at any rate

Though I guess when you boil it all down, genres are kinda stupid. The more interesting and unique a game is the harder it is to fit it into a rigid "genre". Same goes for genres in any space I guess

Yeah fair enough, was just thinking of the other studios and how Nintendo may have a game in every genre there could be possibly

Garfield SUCKS


@Professor_Plumber You rejected snipperclips and jump rope challenge from the list?! I am saddened. 😆

More seriously, there are literally 100 tiny franchises Nintendo both owns and publishes, often with only 1 game. Although I think they do count towards Nintendo's diversity of games, I suppose we probably don't actually want all of them on the list and if they aren't adding a genre they aren't adding much to the list.

Great job on this, really fun classification. I spend an unnecessarily large amount of time making directories on my Switch to try to classify all my games, but it never occurred to me to think about just Nintendo games. Hmm... now I am curious how many of my personal directory categories have Nintendo in them.

p.s. I am shocked no one complained about Zelda being classified as an RPG 🤣 As soon as I saw this article I was just waiting for someone to complain about both Metroid and Zelda. I think you made a good call placing all the games somewhere reasonable even if it is slightly arguable or if games fit into multiple categories.

Edited on by FishyS


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


@FishyS Lol I need to get back to that..
You all exceeded my expectations, honestly was not expecting so many people to respond to this, so I'm legitimately having trouble keeping up lol

Thank you though, I'm glad to have inspired somebody!

Garfield SUCKS


Professor_Plumber wrote:

@skywake Good question about Balloon Fight, arcade maybe?

ooh, Arcade as a genre. Now there's a can of worms. I we would define Arcade games as generally single screen experiences that you would find in an arcade setting? Which is a fairly broad term which probably applies to a lot of the games on this list. I would think if we are to use it we should probably limit it to titles that don't really fit anywhere else

Balloon Fight obviously but I don't think we can ignore Donkey Kong and Mario Bros as the kings of this genre. Distinct from Super Mario and Donkey Kong Country which are a different genre of game. Also I think this label probably fits Punch-Out!! better than fighting does

Also while we're here, would be amiss not to include Tabletop games on this list given Nintendo's history. ClubHouse Games is the obvious one although I would like to throw Othello onto the list personally. Not because anyone cares about Othello but because it was the first game where Iwata was given a producer rather than developer role

Some Aussie musics: King Gizz, TFS, Genesis Owusu
"Don't stir the pot" is a nice way of saying "they're too dumb to reason with"


@skywake I agree with that, that works in this context...
And yeah come to think of it Donkey Kong and Mario would be better there since they do fit that style...
Although come to think of it now, largely NES games are essentially home arcade games? Not necessarily Super Mario Bros or TLOZ, but the rest of them could be...
That's never clicked to me until now...
Good point about Tabletop games, will add!

Garfield SUCKS


Arcade is a bit hard to define, but please just don't add 'Adventure' as a category. Everything from Pikmin to Minecraft to Hollow Knight to Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney gets classified as 'adventure' in the eshop.

Edited on by FishyS


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


Yeah, Arcade as a genre is kinda like saying "portable" is a genre in a way. I mean Mario Kart literally has an Arcade version and the 2D Fighter Smash kinda owes its existence to was born in the arcade. But I think everyone has a broad understanding of what that arcade atmosphere/aesthetic is and I think we can also confidently exclude distinctive sub-genres that were born out of the arcade. Like scrolling/rail/gallery shooters, fighting games and "arcade" racers

With that said while I'm sitting here trying to think of what other Nintendo games would fit into that Arcade aesthetic the game my mind keeps going back to is Nintendo Land. Of course we're keeping it in the "Party" camp but honestly, I'm struggling to think of any other game made by Nintendo that captures the feeling of walking around an arcade with a bunch of friends and some tokens more than Nintendo Land

Some Aussie musics: King Gizz, TFS, Genesis Owusu
"Don't stir the pot" is a nice way of saying "they're too dumb to reason with"


@FishyS Uhhhhhhh
Okay, in that case would you consider Luigi's Mansion a horror game?

@skywake Very true! Hmmm, good point on Nintendo Land...

Garfield SUCKS


@FishyS Also very weird about AA, although I never realized it was a Visual Novel either, so now I'm doubly confused lol

Garfield SUCKS


Professor_Plumber wrote:

@FishyS Uhhhhhhh
Okay, in that case would you consider Luigi's Mansion a horror game?

Oh sorry, I didn't notice you had actually used adventure as a category 😅 I was really just complaining about how Nintendo labels genres. They even mark dating game visual novels as 'adventure'. I agree Luigi's mansion is very hard to categorize so adventure is better than nothing.

omg.. I just realized that in my own categorization system on Switch I have a folder called 'adventure misc' of games which didn't fit anywhere else and Luigis Mansion is one of only 3 games in there... 😆 I was just looking at my folders and I have 37 genres. The only one which really doesn't relate to the ones in your list is 'stealth'. Nintendo really does hit most genres. Has Nintendo ever made a stealth game? Ooh, rogue-likes also; I can't think of any Nintendo version of those. 🤔

Edited on by FishyS


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


@FishyS All good lol, I had to actually go back and see if I did...
Lol that's pretty weird that they do that, although I wonder if they have an actual VN section? If they don't then that would be the only reason I could think of, but if they do then weird! 🤣


Hmm, I mean there's the sections in Zelda, but yeah no full games...

Garfield SUCKS


@Professor_Plumber yeah, Nintendo doesn't acknowledge categories like 'visual novel' or 'metroidvania' so they just slap adventure on everything.

Thinking about it, I am tempted to say Pokemon Arceus is a stealth game but that may be stretching it a bit. 😆


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


@FishyS Oof lol 😆 Yeah I definitely don't think of AA when I hear "adventure" honestly...

Yeeeeeaaaah... maybe a little bit? 😆 I feel like if it's stretching it doesn't really work, so maybe we'll hope for a future Nintendo stealth game? I seem to remember Aonuma or somebody mentioning a stealth Thief game, would be interesting to see if that ever surfaces!

Garfield SUCKS


Woukd Nintendo ever do a racing simulation? More GT/Forza than Mario Kart?



A new Tower Defence game should be on the list...which character from an existing franchise could they build a game around?
Maybe you play as Bowser with the mushroom kingdom attacking?
Or you play as Zelda defending Hyrule?


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